Hey Guys!!! We have been busy, busy, busy here at Saving Grace!!! And I have two very exciting opportunities to tell you about!!!
#1 - Jannet over at Simple Matters has asked me to help her out with her booth at Round Top!!! I am soooo excited and so honored!! If you have not seen her beautiful furniture, you should go check out her blog or website (look in blog roll). She has asked me to help with the home decor type items. I have had a million projects laying around the house for months now so this has put a fire under me to get them done. And while it is exhausting and stressful, I am having so much fun!! I work full time, so I am only able to work on them in the evenings and on weekends. I will post pictures of some of the projects very soon.
#2 - We are going to have our furniture and some home decor pieces in a store in Old Town Spring!!! I am sooooo excited about this new shop. It's called The Pink Chandelier and it opens next Saturday, the 18th. It is on Keith St. You HAVE to come check it out! It is owned by a really sweet young lady named Jeanne. I am soooo excited!!!
Here are some pictures of a gorgeous that we recently painted for a client. It was a beautiful dresser to start with, but I love how it turned out in the grey!! So pretty!!